
policy and methodological framework معنى

  • الإطار المنهجي والسياسات
  • policy    n. حكمة, سياسة, ال ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • methodological    منهجي; منهجيّ
  • framework    n. الإطار, هيكل, ب ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. policy and evaluation unit معنى
  2. policy and external relations division معنى
  3. policy and external relations section معنى
  4. policy and finance committee معنى
  5. policy and information service معنى
  6. policy and operations teams معنى
  7. policy and partnerships unit معنى
  8. policy and planning committee معنى
  9. policy and planning office معنى
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